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Why graphite blocks are a thing

Graphite has some unique properties, which can be pretty useful when a manufacturer decides to use it as a raw material. We all know that graphite is an extremely delicate raw material with high coefficients of durability and thermal conductivity. It has extreme resistance to wear and tear. This is why it is used to make design molds and casts of high quality and durability. There are a lot of unique benefits that graphite has to offer. The best advantage of it is that it can quickly transfer its unique capabilities to its being made.

The unique characteristics of graphite

Graphite molds and blocks are used a lot in the most commonly used material as the DM electrodes. Graphite is an excellent electrical and thermal conductor that makes it suitable for a lot of machining processes. Following are some of the unique characteristics of graphite

  1. It is easy to be used for machining processes
  2. It does not melt. It goes directly from solid to a gaseous state
  3. The blocks that are made with graphite are 5 times less dense as compared to copper
  4. It gives excellent resistance against the thermal and electrical shocks
  5. It enables the blocking stability provided its thermal coefficient is 3 times lower than copper

What else does graphite have to offer?

Although graphite is resistant to thermal and electrical shocks, it has a bit of sensitivity to mechanical shocks. Graphite has a ceramic-based structure, which implies that graphite has to be handled with care no matter how strong it might sound. Graphite blocks manufacturers also compare graphite grades to deliver more sensitive knowledge regarding the graphite density, grain size, electrical resistivity, hardness, and structural strength. All these properties have an essential effect on performance on the EDM operations carried out using graphite blocks.